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发布日期:2024-05-06 03:28    点击次数:194








Not if the reasoning behind the blockage is Justified.


There are many that assert that the Technologies involved contain spyware for the Chinese government. Given the Chinese government's attitudes towards the rest of the world, it may be justified. Whenever Canada, for example, does something that China doesn't like, the “diplomat” from China usually tells us to shut up.


Then we ignore them.



In the case of Hauwei, upon Meng's detainment, Canada was pretty neutral in the fight that the United States had started. If the Chinese government had come to Canada and said “Look, we know you don't want to get involved. How do we work around this?” They may have even found an ally in Canada against the United States. Trump had pushed our relationship status with the United States very far down the hole. If the Chinese government were smart they would have realized this and worked with us.


We did not want to get involved in this.


Instead, they played the heavy hand to save face, and ended up creating a problem with Canada and the United States working together against China.


It isn't the US that is making China stronger or weaker. It's the Chinese government that's making bad decisions.



If there are problems with Hauwei and it's security, then the problems of China have only begun. It is also likely that the Chinese government will make them worse.


I feel sorry for the people of China. For the most part, they are good people and they deserve better.


好意思国网友Giulio Moro的不雅点

Sorry to say this, but too many people, and American consumers being at the top of this list, have become oblivious to the world around them and their place in the world as well.


Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE THE USA, really I do. I feel just like being at home when I’m there.

别扭曲我的道理。 我爱好意思国,真实。 当我在何处时,我嗅觉就像在家一样。


But too many people still haven’t got the foggiest idea that The USA is less than 1/4 the population of China, and with India surpassing China in terms of population, The USA has never been the dominant player in the world economy in terms of population, nor will they ever be.


Canada is 1/12 the population of The USA, so we are even more insignificant, but we’re more aware of the rest of the world than most Americans.


Having owned and used Huawei products long before they became mainstream, and working in IT and Customer Service now for well over 35 years, I see they don’t need The USA. They’ve built themselves up to become independant of other countries and are outside the realm of political and government control from bodies outside of China. So The USA sees them as not being able to be put under their foot and controlled as they’ve done all over the world with other companies and countries. Instead of being able to control and manipulate them directly, they have to find other ways to do this, legally or not.




To date, I have yet to read any actual documents of their perceived espionage, control or meddling of The USA. But time will tell and eventually the truth will come out, one way or another.



All that happened as a result of the crap from The USA against Huawei, is that they’ve given Huawei the best free worldwide advertising any company could ever have imagined. Instead of trying to crush, intimidate, or manipulate them, they’ve just made their products more appealing and desired to consumers, both inside The USA and outside in the real world.


好意思国针对华为的恶行导致的效果是,他们为华为提供了任何公司所能假想到的最佳的大师免费告白。 他们莫得试图压制、h吓或主宰他们,而是让我方的产物对好意思国国表里的消费者更具蛊卦力和需求。


US government has included Huawei and its subsidiaries in the “list of entities” to prohibit Huawei from obtaining components and related technologies from US companies without the approval of the US government. This action by the Trump administration is undermining the US credit system and the established global technology industry chain. The Trump Government has irritated all Chinese, and American politicians have never expected the Chinese government's counterattack to be so determined and tough.

好意思国政府将华为偏激子公司列入“实体名单”,禁绝华为在未经好意思国政府批准的情况下从好意思国公司获取零部件和联系工夫。 特朗普政府的这一举动正在唐突好意思国的信用体系和已设立的大师科技产业链。 特朗普政府激愤了通盘中国东谈主,好意思国政客也莫得预料天朝政府的反击如斯坚定和顽强。

1. Two inevitable questions


First of all, why do computer manufacturers all over the world use Intel chips, why do mobile phone manufacturers all over the world use Qualcomm chips?



This issue involves the division of labor and cooperation between the global ICT industry chains and supply chains. As computer manufacturers and smartphone manufacturers around the world know that Intel and Qualcomm's general-purpose chips can be purchased at any time, they do not have to spend a long time and huge funds to repeat the long term and frustrating doing research and assembling factories. Buyers do not have to worry that the United States will meddle the chip businesses. This is long-term cooperation formed by the trust-based global industry chain and supply chain division and cooperation.

这个问题触及大师ICT产业链、供应链的单插手合营。 由于寰宇各地的计议机制造商和智高手机制造商皆知谈英特尔和高通的通用芯片不错随时购买,因此他们不必损失很万古期和无数资金来类似经久且令东谈主报怨的盘考和拼装工场。 买家不必回归好意思国会插手芯片业务。 这是基于信任的大师产业链、供应链单干合营酿成的经久合营。

When Intel has gained an advantage in fierce competition with Qualcomm, global buyers have lost the vigilance in maintaining backups, a large number of customers were provided with unreserved supply due to the trust of Intel and Qualcomm. This mechanism enabled Intel and Qualcomm to provide a reliable source for global customers, which has also enabled Intel and Qualcomm to accumulate huge amounts of capital, and it has also saved a large amount of money for their customers in researching their own chips.

当英特尔在与高通的是非竞争中取得上风时,大师买家一经失去了退换备份的警惕,大量客户因英特尔和高通的信任而获取了无保留的供货。 这种机制使得英特尔和高通能够为大师客户提供可靠的起头,这也使得英特尔和高通积贮了大量的成本,同期也为他们的客户在盘考我方的芯片方面省俭了大量的资金。


Secondly, why are Qualcomm and Intel so strong? I think it is not how good Intel and Qualcomm are, but the fact that the whole smartphone and computer industry is centered on chip manufacturers. The labor is highly cooperative and independent in the industry, and the industry pushed the two chip manufacturers for over half a century. This is Moore’s Law, a simple and common explanation to Moore’s law is that the performance of integrated circuit doubles every 18 – 24 months.

其次,为什么高通和英特尔这样强? 我以为不是英特尔和高通有多优秀,而是系数智高手机和计议机行业皆以芯片制造商为中心。 行业内劳能源高度合营和颓落,行业鼓舞了两家芯片制造商半个多(丨)的发展。 这即是摩尔定律,对摩尔定律的一个通俗而常见的解释是,集成电路的性能每18-24个月就会翻一番。

As the semiconductor scientist has said “Moore's Law is really a thing about human activity, it's about vision, it's about what you're allowed to believe. Because people are really limited by their beliefs, they limit themselves by what they allow themselves to believe about what is possible.”

正如这位半导体科学家所说:“摩尔定律推行上是对于东谈主类举止的,它是对于愿景的,它是对于你被允许折服什么的。 因为东谈主们确乎受到他们的信仰的限定,他们通过允许我方折服什么是可能的来限定我方。”

Moore’s law is more than just a miracle, it is also a product of cooperation inside the industry around the world. It has shown significant potential in technology, and the trust given by the chain of labor into Intel and Qualcomm. Otherwise, no enterprises at all would risk all their businesses with two American companies to achieve such a miracle.

摩尔定律不单是是一个遗迹,它亦然大师产业界合营的产物。 它在工夫方面流流露了宏大的后劲,以及劳能源链对英特尔和高通的信任。 不然的话,莫得哪家企业风光把通盘业务皆押在两家好意思国公司身上,来兑现这样的遗迹。


2. The \"ban\" against Huawei is breaking the US science and technology environment


, Intel was not the only US CPU manufacturer. After achieved technology leadership, it showed full openness, which won the trust of customers and suppliers, its customers supported Intel with unreserved order forms. The upstream and downstream manufacturers have no reservation. The cooperation and integration have created the miracle of the American chip monarch.

英特尔并不是独一的好意思国CPU制造商。 取得工夫最初后,阐发出充分的敞开性,赢得了客户和供应商的信任,客户毫无保留地相沿英特尔。 高卑劣厂商毫无保留。 合营与交融,创造了好意思国芯片帝王的遗迹。

After the previous ZTE incident and the current Huawei incident, companies around the world (not just China) suddenly discovered that the Trump government is destroying the US technology credit system and the US technology supply chain ecosystem that has been in existence for nearly half a century. The fact has told the world that it is not money that buys technology, especially chips. In the future, even if civilian chips are selling if you want to buy them. In that future of no credibility in sustain supply of chips, no one would risk their businesses.

历程之前的中兴事件和当今的华为事件,寰宇各地(不单是是中国)的企业顷刻间发现特朗普政府正在败坏好意思国科技信用体系和一经存在了近半个世纪的好意思国科技供应链生态系统 。 事实告诉众东谈主,买工夫尤其是芯片的不是钱。 以前,即使民用芯片你想买也卖。 在芯片握续供应清寒信誉的以前,莫得东谈主会拿我方的业务冒险。

The US ban on China's Huawei will cause global supply chain stakeholders to distrust to US-centric technology products, and catastrophically affect the chip and smart product industry.



The writer believes that the trade war launched by the United States is only a veil. Unveil the trade war is a competition between China and the US. The essence of the Sino-US trade war is a game between two countries. The United States attempts to curb the rise of China by restraining China's scientific and technological progress. Don't simply think it is Trump's problem.

笔者以为,好意思国发起的贸易战只是一个面纱。 揭开贸易战骨子是中好意思之间的竞争。 中好意思贸易战的骨子是两国之间的博弈。 好意思国试图通过欺压中国科技逾越来欺压中国崛起。 不要通俗地以为这是特朗普的问题。

the US successor president will continue to strategically rank China as the number one enemy. It is a proven fact that any easing of Sino-US relations is a temporary strategy. Sino-US relations will be confronted for a long time. The United States is an inevitable strategy to curb China after wave after wave. Because Sino-US relations are a structural conflict between a dominant country and a rising power, and this conflict cannot be compromised.

好意思国继任总统仍将在政策上将中国列为头号敌东谈主。 事实证据,中好意思关系的任何松驰皆是暂时的策略。 中好意思关系将经久濒临抗争。 好意思国一波又一波欺压中国事势必政策。 因为中好意思关系是一个主导国度与一个崛起大国之间的结构性冲突,而这种冲突是弗成和谐的。

The most worrying enterprises affected by the blockade of Huawei are Huawei's providers and customers in the technology industry chain created by Huawei in the States, and the two major chip manufacturers, Intel and Qualcomm. The market for China's imports of ICT products and services from the United States is magnificent. According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs, by the end of October 2018, the import value of China's integrated circuits is amounted to 1,190.8 billion, while China's crude imports in the same period were only 607.8 billion. China’s spending on chip imports is nearly twice that of crude. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, by the end of October 2018, China’s smartphone production has reached 1.238 billion units, it is almost 70% of the global production.

受华为阻滞影响最令东谈主担忧的企业是华为在好意思国打造的科技产业链上的供应商和客户,以及两大芯片制造商英特尔和高通。 中国从好意思国入口ICT产物和做事商场广宽。 据海关总署统计,限定2018年10月,我国集成电路入口额达11908亿好意思元,而同期我国原油入口额仅为6078亿好意思元。 中国在芯片入口方面的支拨着实是原油入口的两倍。 据中国国度统计局统计,限定2018年10月,中国智高手机产量已达12.38亿部,着实占大师产量的70%。

Politicians are facing the same dilemma as American companies like Intel and Qualcomm. The US government is giving a terrible start which disappoints the world. The industry of chips and related components have formed a stable global industrial chain. This is the chain that the people of the world have enjoyed for half a century, and now American politicians are breaking the basis of the industry chain without any integrity, not to mention other industries.

政客们濒临着与英特尔和高通等好意思国公司相似的窘境。 好意思国政府的开局很倒霉,令寰宇失望。 芯片及联系零部件产业已酿成强健的大师产业链。 这是寰宇东谈主民享受了半个世纪的链条,当今好意思国政客正在毫无诚信地唐突这个产业链的基础,更毋庸说其他行业了。

3. The \"ban\" cannot change the highly integrated industrial chain between China and the United States.


Recently, Jeffrey Sachs, a professor, and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University said that “China is not an enemy. It is a nation trying to raise its living standards through education, international trade, infrastructure investment, and improved technologies. In short, it is doing what any country should do when confronted with the historical reality of being poor and far behind more powerful countries. Yet the Trump administration is now aiming to stop China’s development, which could prove to be disastrous for both the United States and the entire world.\" But the Trump government’s current goal is to stop China's development, which is likely to cause a disaster for not only the United States, the whole world too.

近日,哥伦比亚大学教授、可握续发展中心主任杰弗里·萨克斯暗意,“中国不是敌东谈主。 这是一个试图通过栽培、海外贸易、基础尺度投资和纠正工夫来擢升生流水平的国度。 简而言之,它正在作念任何一个国度在面对空乏过期的历史现及时应该作念的事情。 但特朗普政府当今的策画是禁绝中国的发展,这对好意思国和全寰宇皆可能是不平安性的。” 不仅是好意思国,全寰宇亦然如斯。

American politicians’ ignorance of the national legal system and the international rules, business rules of enterprises and the supply chain of enterprises, is destroying the technology-based industries environment at its core. The high-tech ecological supply chain is being disintegrated by politicians.

好意思国政客对国度法律体系和海外规则、企业买卖规则和企业供应链的无知,正在唐突其中枢的科技产业环境。 高技术生态供应链正在被政客领悟。

After the US \"ban\" against Huawei, there will soon be two results: Huawei's chip technology and other key core technologies rise rapidly; or, the US chip industry and downstream technology industry will be in a state of fading. The principle is very simple. The industrial chain between China and the United States is highly integrated and highly complementary. In particular, China's market is huge. There is no winner in trade and technology warfare. The trade and technology between China and the United States have formed a highly integrated supply chain relationship. This kind of industrial chain formed in the last 50 years. This is not the US government can change by a single \"ban”.

好意思国“封杀”华为后,很快就会有两个效果:华为的芯片工夫等重要中枢工夫赶快崛起; 或者,好意思国芯片产业及卑劣科技产业将处于败落情景。 道理很通俗。 中好意思产业链高度交融、互补性强。 尤其是中国商场宏大。 贸易和工夫战莫得赢家。 中好意思之间的贸易和工夫已酿成高度一体化的供应链关系。 这种产业链是近50年来酿成的。 这不是好意思国政府一个“禁令”就能窜改的。